Good Shepherd services 11 AM Sunday St. Matthias 4 PM each Sunday Upcoming City Services January 18, February 15, March 15 at 5:30 PM at Peace Lutheran. Contacts Us: [email protected]
Who We Are
We are the Anglican Christian community in the North Peace. Anglicans are unique among Christians as being at once reformed and catholic. We have liturgical-traditional worship and biblical preaching. In the North Peace we gather as three smaller worshipping/encouraging communities in Fort St. John, Taylor and Cecil Lake.
We welcome you to join with us in worship whether you are an established Anglican, a visitor, a believer looking for a fellowship, or someone just looking in. We promise we will endeavor to make you feel at home. We have had a very long history of doing just that.
What we believe
Anglicans as Christians believe that God the Father created all things. We believe each of us as human beings is broken by sin. We believe that Jesus, both fully God and fully man, overcame sin's power and satisfied our guilt on the cross. We believe He was victorious and rose again from death. We believe that the Holy Spirit is God and comes to live in the faithful. We believe that we have a new identity as children of God, adopted into His family.